Sunday, July 30, 2006

24 July- AP- Israel Using Chemical Weapons & Targetting Ambulances in Lebanon

AP: Israel Using Chemical Weapons & Targetting Ambulances in Lebanon

Por AP /YouTube / Various

Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 10:40 PM

Plus: Lebanese Doctor Says 'Phosphorus Weapons' Cause Suffering - CNN Int'l - Video

AP: Israel Using Chemical Weapons & Targetting Ambulances July 24, 2006

"Jawad Najem, a surgeon at the hospital, said patients admitted Sunday had burns from phosphorous incendiary weapons used by Israel. The Geneva Conventions ban using white phosphorous as an incendiary weapon against civilian populations and in air attacks against military forces in civilian areas; Israel said its weapons comply with international law.

"Mahmoud Sarour, 14, was admitted to the hospital yesterday and treated for phosphorous burns to his face," Najem said. Mahmoud's 8-month-old sister, Maryam, suffered similar burns on her neck and hands when an Israeli rocket hit the family car."

"The Sarours had to go to the port by taxi because the Lebanese Red Cross suspended operations outside Tyre after Israeli jets blasted two ambulances with rockets, said Ali Deebe, a Red Cross spokesman in Tyre.

In the incident Sunday, one Red Cross ambulance went south of Tyre to meet an ambulance and transfer the wounded to the hospital.

"When we have wounded outside the city, we always used two ambulances," Deebe said.

The rocket attack on the two vehicles wounded six ambulance workers and three civilians - an 11-year-old boy, an elderly woman and a man, Deebe said. "One of the rockets hit right in the middle of the big red cross that was painted on top of the ambulance," he said. "This is a clear violation of humanitarian law, of international law. We are neutral and we should not be targeted."

Amateur video provided by an ambulance worker confirmed Deebe's account of damage to the vehicles, showing one large hole and several smaller ones in the roof of one ambulance and a large hole in the roof of the second. Both were destroyed.

Continued: Lebanese Doctor Says

'Phosphorus Weapons' Cause Suffering -CNN Int'l - Video